Ways to give and make a difference in the lives of our boys!

SJB accepts all online donations (and offline ones too)!  You have the choice of a one-time donation, monthly donations or you can donate as often as you desire.  

Even a donation of as little as USD 5 will go to help vulnerable children who need your assistance.  We invite you to share your love to those in need. You can make a difference!

Make a Donation?

Check out the Sisters of Mercy donation page.

At the ‘Apply my gift to’ question, choose ‘Guyana Ministries’

At the ‘Additional requests, comments, special intentions or questions related to this donation’ question, enter ‘Bosco Orphanage’

Want to write a cheque?

Make it payable to:

St. John Bosco Orphanage,
East Coast Demerara,
South America